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The Journey of Odysseus

1. Leaving Troy

1. Leaving Troy

Odysseus leaves Troy and sails to Ismarus

2. Land of the Lotus Eaters

2. Land of the Lotus Eaters

He is driven from Ismarus by Circonians and after a storm, arrives at the Land of the Lotus Eater. Those shipmates who eat the lotus wish never to leave and have to be bound to the ship.

3. The Cyclops Polythemus

3. The Cyclops Polythemus

In the land of the Cyclops Odysseus outwits and blinds Polyphemus, son of Poseidon.

6. teloplyus

6. teloplyus

Aeolus sends travelers away, and they arrive at Telopyus, There Laestrygonians hurls boulders killing men and destroying ships.

5. Bag of Wind

5. Bag of Wind

Foolish crew members open a sack containing all the winds, and the ships are driven back to Aeolia.

4. Aeolus give West wind

4. Aeolus give West wind

Aeolus, the steward of winds, provides a west wind to send Odysseus home.

9. Bury Elpenor

9. Bury Elpenor

Odysseus returns to Aeaea to bury his comrade, Elpenor.

7. The Enchatress Circe

7. The Enchatress Circe

On the island of Aeolus, Odysseus with the assistance of Hermes, frees his creed from the spell of Circe. Circe sends Odysseus on to the land of the dead.

8. land of the dead

8. land of the dead

In the Land of the Dead Odysseus consults the spirit of Teiresias of Thebes on how to get home; he then speaks with others who have died

10. Sirens

10. Sirens

His deafened crew binds Odysseus so that he may hear the Sirens song.

11. Scylla and Charybdis

11. Scylla and Charybdis

Odysseus sails past the whirlpool Charybdis and the sea monster Scylla but loses crew members.

12. Cattle of the Sun God

12. Cattle of the Sun God

While stranded on the island on the sun God , the crew feast upon the sacred flocks incurring the wrath of Zeus.

13. The island of Calypso

13. The island of Calypso

Upon leaving the island of the Sun God, a storm destroys Odysseus' ship and he drifts to the island Oygia, where Calypso imprisons him.

14. Poseidon retaliates

14. Poseidon retaliates

Hermes frees Odysseus from Calypso but Poseidon strikes Odysseus' raft in retribution for the blinding of Polyphemus. The goddess Ino rescues Odysseus, and he lands in Scheria.

15. Odysseus goes home

15. Odysseus goes home

After sharing his tale, the Phoenicians provide him with passage home to Ithaca.

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